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The Difference Between Metal Laser Cutting Machine And CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

Laser cutting machines utilize a powerful laser beam to scan and heat the surface of a material, causing it to reach extreme temperatures ranging from several thousands to tens of thousands of degrees Celsius in a short period of time. This intense heat either melts or gasifies the material, allowing high-pressure gas to blow away the molten or vaporized material and create a clean cut along the slit. Unlike traditional mechanical knives, laser cutting relies on an invisible beam, eliminating any physical contact between the mechanical parts of the laser cutter head and the work surface. As a result, the material being cut remains unmarred during the process.


The advantages of laser cutting are numerous. Firstly, it offers high cutting speeds, ensuring efficient production. Additionally, the cut incisions are smooth and even, often eliminating the need for further processing. Moreover, laser cutting produces a small heat-affected zone, minimizing plate deformation and resulting in narrow slits. The absence of mechanical stress during cutting guarantees a lack of burrs on the material. Furthermore, laser cutting provides exceptional precision and repeatability without damaging the material's surface. With the aid of computer numerical control (CNC) programming, it is possible to cut complex shapes without the need for molds, saving both time and money.


The CNC plasma cutting machine is a type of thermal cutting equipment that utilizes the heat from a high temperature plasma arc to partially melt the metal at the workpiece's notch. This results in the formation of a notch through the expulsion of the molten metal using a high-speed plasma momentum. The selection of the working gas for plasma cutting has a significant impact on the characteristics of the plasma arc, as well as the quality and speed of the cutting process. Various gases can be used, including argon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, air, water vapor, and specific gas mixtures. These machines find extensive applications in industries such as automobiles, locomotives, pressure vessels, chemical machinery, nuclear industry, general machinery, engineering machinery, and steel structures.


When it comes to cutting accuracy, plasma technology offers an accuracy of around 1mm, but laser technology takes it to a whole new level with an accuracy of 0.2mm. In terms of cutting efficiency, laser technology surpasses plasma by a considerable margin. With its superior speed and precision, a laser cutting machine can cut up to 26 meters per minute through a 1mm plate. On the other hand, plasma cutting merely provides a rough cut, and further processing is required, making it a cumbersome and time-consuming process. In contrast, laser cutting machines deliver finely finished products in a single processing stage.


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